1. Cumulative Developments
1.1. Introduction
- This appendix sets out the full list of cumulative developments which have been identified for consideration within the Cumulative Effect Assessment (CEA) for the Proposed Development. This provides details on their respective locations, shown on Figure 2.4.1, and sets out the justification for screening in or out of detailed assessment within the CEA. The preliminary list was shared with East Lothian Council (ELC) in January 2022 for agreement. The list was finalised the end of September 2022, less than three months prior to submission.
- The general approach to the CEA is set out within Volume 1, Chapter 2.
1.2. Identified Cumulative Developments
1.2.1. Tier One
- Tier One of the CEA considers the onshore and offshore infrastructure of the Project. Full details of the offshore infrastructure are provided within the Offshore EIA Report. The key offshore components will include:
- up to 307 wind turbines (each comprising a tower section, nacelle and three rotor blades) and associated support structures and foundations;
- up to ten Offshore Substation Platforms (OSPs)/Offshore convertor station platforms and associated support structures and foundations to accommodate for a combined High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC)/High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission system solution or a HVDC solution;
- estimated scour protection of up to 10,984 m2 per wind turbine and 11,146 m2 per OSP/Offshore convertor station platforms;
- a network of inter-array cabling linking the individual wind turbines to each other and to the OSPs/Offshore convertor station platforms plus inter-connections between OSPs/Offshore convertor station platforms (approximately 1,225 km of inter-array cabling and 94 km of interconnector cabling); and,
- up to eight offshore export cables connecting the OSPs/Offshore convertor station platforms to landfall at Skateraw. Offshore export cable design includes both HVAC and HVDC solutions.
- Offshore construction (site preparation and landfall activities) is expected to commence in Q1 2025, anticipated to conclude in Q1 2033.
1.2.2. Tier Two
- Tier Two of the CEA considers other onshore developments, the details of which are set out within Table 1.1 Open ▸ . Based on professional judgement, publicly available information, and consideration of likely significant impacts, developments have been screened in or out of a detailed CEA.
Table 1.1 - Identified Cumulative Developments
1.3. Conclusion
- Following the screening exercise above, the projects within Table 1.2 Open ▸ have been taken forward for consideration within the CEA as relevant.
Table 1.2 - Screened in Cumulative Developments